To assist and provide for the poor by constructing community halls, Rest houses, dormitories, wells, tube wells, drinking water facilities, etc., to conduct feeding of the poor and to give, food, clothing and cash grants for the poor, and to grant donations for the support of the inmates of orphanages, rescue and rehabilitation centers, and similar institutions. The poor may also be assisted by way of teaching of Crafts, engineering and similar skills, and industrial Training including on the job training.
To undertake, carryout, promote and sponsor rural development including any programs for promoting the social and economic welfare and the upliftment of the public and or incur any expenditure on any programs of rural development programmer and to assist in the executing and promoting thereof either directly or through any agency or in any other manner.
To give, provide and /or render help and assistance to and or implement any schemes for pro-viding livelihood and upliftment of the poor.
To give sponsor, provide food, medicine and other help and/or assistance in any shape or form to the poor and needy.
To give, provide and / or render monetary and /or other help start, maintain and assist in any relief measure for the relief of the persons and animals affected by natural and other calamities such as flood, fire, cyclone, earthquake, storm, accident, drought, epidemic, strikes, riots and the like and to give donations, subscriptions or contributions to institutions, establishments, centers which enjoy recognitions under section 80 G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 or persons doing relief works on such occasions.
To give, provide, distribute clothes, blankets, rugs, Woolen clothing, quilts of cotton, wool, silk or other varieties of cloths or other article of necessity and facilities for the poor and needy.
To acquire, fund, promote or assist in cash or kind for conducting marriages of the poor or needy.